09:45  Registration and coffee
10:25 Opening
10:30 Keynote: Black-Box Test Case Design Techniques for the Automotive Industry 
Joachim Wegener (Berner & Mattner) 
11:30 Testing the Heathrow Terminal 5 Baggage Handling System (paper)
Roger Derksen, Huub van der Wouden (Transfer Solutions) 
12:00 Ready for Testing: Determining Requirements Quality 
Petra Heck (LaQuSo)

12:30 Lunch 

14:00 Model Based Testing in the Wild 
Machiel van der Bijl, Menno Jonkers (Axini)
14:30 6 sigma en Test Proces Verbetering 
Alessandro Di Bucchianico (TU Eindhoven), Ed Brandt (Refis)
15:00 Off-shore testing (how) does it work? 
Han Duisterwinkel (LogicaCMG)

15:30 Coffee / tea 

16:00 Studying the test process in open source software systems 
Andy Zaidman (TU Delft), Bart Van Rompaey, Serge Demeyer (Universiteit van Antwerpen), Arie van Deursen (TU Delft)
16:30 Observing Unit Test Maturity in the Wild 
Ilja Heitlager, Tobias Kuipers, Joost Visser (Software Improvement Group)
17:00 Building a Performance Competence Center (Testing for performance at the Rabobank) 
Jeroen Bakker (Rabobank) 

17:30 Closing reception 


The program committee for the Testing Day consists of the following members:

  • Ed Brinksma (Embedded Systems Institute and University of Twente)
  • Henk van Dam (Collis)
  • Hans-Gerhard Gross (Delft University of Technology)
  • Ivo de Jong (ASML)
  • Jos van Rooyen (LogicaCMG)
  • Maurice Siteur (Capgemini)
  • Marielle Stoelinga (University of Twente)
  • Jan Tretmans (Embedded Systems Institute and Radboud University Nijmegen)
  • Erik van Veenendaal (Improve Quality Services)
  • Tim Willemse (Eindhoven University of Technology)
  • Marc Witteman (Riscure)
  • Peter Zoeteweij (Delft University of Technology)

Current Edition

Interested in organizing The Dutch Testing Day? Please contact one of the Steering Committee members.

What is The Dutch Testing Day (De Nederlandse Testdag)?

The Dutch Testing Day ('De Nederlandse Testdag') is an event where software test experts from industry and academics meet and learn from each others knowledge in the field of Software Testing.

Contact Us

Organizer Testdag 2016: testdag2016@testdag.nl
Website administrator: webmaster@testdag.nl