Analyzing Critical SW Product Failures - Houston We Have A Problem


Jan van Moll

Independent Senior Forensic Investigator

"Analyzing Critical SW Product Failures - Houston We Have A Problem"

Bad product quality can haunt companies long after release. Root cause analysis (RCA) on product quality issues is an indispensable step to avoid and prevent these from happening again. Unfortunately, industry is struggling with doing proper RCA. Moreover, companies fail to unlock the full potential of testers in RCAs, as one of the biggest mistakes is to have RCA done by the technical experts only. It is a typical failure, not to recognize that testers have real value to RCA! Another typical failure is not to recognize RCA results being extremely valuable for devising enhanced test strategies.

Using real-life, often embarrassing examples, Jan shares the pitfalls of RCA and illustrates the added value testers have when participating. He challenges testers and managers to benchmark and rethink their own RCA practices. Learn how to perform powerful RCA by avoiding the pitfalls and increase your value as a professional tester to your business when conducting your own RCAs.



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