Patrice Willemot

Celebrating 1 year of Collaboration Driven Development (CDD)

If a developer takes the time to write and run unit test cases for his code, his goal is to deliver a better product. So you can ask yourself why we still need testers if all developers are doing unit testing. Because there is no way that a developer is able to come up with all of the test cases to verify when his code will fail. Developers are too attached to their code, which makes it impossible to test the application for bugs.

A solution for this problem is the concept of Test Driven Development (TDD) where you get something working now and perfect this later. So why should testers care about TDD? Mainly because of the main activity within TDD: the creation of a unit test case before writing any ‘production’ code. A closer and better collaboration between a tester and a developer has resulted in a new concept: Collaboration Driven Development (CDD). In CDD the tester will help the developer during the creation of their unit tests, and the developers can help the tester understand the application more in detail. This presentation will cover the concept of CDD, together with the benefits and the disadvantages of this approach.


Patrice Willemot started his career as a manual test engineer working in a waterfall approach. Since that project he has been convinced that working in an iterative modus is a solution for failing projects. Since 2008, Patrice is a solution architect for software testing in order to help customers in having better quality through an optimization of the different test activities. Patrice is an agile minded tester and curious how different test approaches can be used within agile environments.

Click HERE for the presentation of Patrice Willemot

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What is The Dutch Testing Day (De Nederlandse Testdag)?

The Dutch Testing Day ('De Nederlandse Testdag') is an event where software test experts from industry and academics meet and learn from each others knowledge in the field of Software Testing.

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