A Sound and Complete Framework for Testing Probabilistic Systems

Marcus Gerhold

Universiteit van Twente 

A wide variety of Model Based Testing (MBT) frameworks exist, capable of handling different system aspects, such as functional properties, real-time quantitative aspects, and continuous behavior. However, a rigorous, sound and complete MBT framework that handles probabilistic specifications along with non-determinisms is long overdue.

We introduce a mathematically precise framework, based on the well-established ioco-framework fully capable of dealing with probabilistic systems, powerful enough to detect any statistical deviation up to arbitrary precision. Our framework also allows for probabilistic testing, thus enabling a better control to steer the automated test process.

We illustrate the functionality of our framework by following a small example application.




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The Dutch Testing Day ('De Nederlandse Testdag') is an event where software test experts from industry and academics meet and learn from each others knowledge in the field of Software Testing.

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